System import
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System import allows easy multiple imports of a variaty of data.
Enter a line per Lookup list, 3 fields each in same order as shown below, and separated by comma. Only Label can contain blank characters.
Make sure you are not re using codes that already exists if the intension is to create new lookuplists.
"Allow updating existing items"; disable if creating new lists - enable if updating existing lists.
Click "Import" when ready.
Enter a line per Lookup list item, 4 fields each in same order as shown below, and separated by comma. Only Label can contain blank characters.
Lookup list items identical codes can exist IF they belong to different Lookup lists.
"Allow updating existing items"; disable if creating new lists - enable if updating existing lists.
Click "Import" when ready.
Allows import of existing products and changing them to parents and variant grp 1 and/or 2.
Enter a line per parent product, 4 fields, all mandatory, separated by comma.
Click "Import" when done.
Variant-group-1 and variant-group-2 equals Lookup list codes
If name is entered differently than name in PIM; the import will alter name to what is stated here.
This import enrich the child item, with a parent and lookuplist items/variants.
Enter a line per child product, 4 fields, all mandatory, separated by comma.
Since updating existing products, the "Allow updating existing items" must be enabled.
Click "Import" when done.
Importing a list of product IDs to assign them to a specific Channel.
Type or copy in a list of product IDs/sku, one per line.
Choose from the dropdown menu what Channel they should be assigned to. Click "Import" when done.
Check statement on next window and click "Confirm import" if correct.
With this you can assign products to categories through import.
Type or copy product ID and hierarchy-code_category-code in the CSV import field, 1 line per product.
See below explanation on hierarchy-code_category-code.
If required choose a channel to be added from the dropdown menu.
Option to enter the hierarchy code as a prefix instead of typing it in each line. If used, please add a "_" after the hierarchy code. In below example the prefix would be "root_".
Click "Import" when done.
Check statement in next window, and click "Confirm import" if correct. If the system does not recognize the hierarchy and category code, an error message will appear here.
To use the Manage category relations, you are requested to ad a hierarchy-code_category-code into the CSV input field. When looking at a category, its code is divided by underscore. Before the underscore is the Hierarchy code - after is the category code.
If you wished to assign products to below category, you would enter root_blaekpatroner as the hierarchy-code_category-code.
If the category prefix is used, "root" should be typed in there, and only "blaekpatroner" in the CSV input area