Column settings

Each row can consist of 1 - 4 columns. Each column can have its own individual setting.


Setting a CSS class will enable you to define a group of HTML elements in order to apply unique styling and formatting. This does require some knowledge of CSS, that this guide does not cover.


Choose if animation should be enabled for this column

Repeat animation

If disabled, the animation will only occur once

Animation delay (ms)

Enter value in milliseconds


Specify if this column only should be visible on small devices, large or both

Add spacing

Define spacing around the column, choose between defined in pixels, percentage etc.

Position content

Choose the placement of your content within the column from the shown options

Set a maximum width

Enter the value in pixels, percentage etc.

Set a minimum height

Enter value in pixels, percentage etc.

Set a background image

Upload image as background to column

Set a background color

Choose from the palette appearing when clicked, or enter hex-code

Set a text color

Choose from the palette appearing when clicked, or enter hex-code

Are you having issues with 2 pictures different width but same height - appearing different in height in Webshop? Please check below fix!

Picture height fix - using 2 columns (1x2) or (2x1)

In cases where you enter 2 pictures in 2 columns options where 1 column is 1/3 of the width and the order 2/3 (1x2 or 2x1) you will encounter this issue when same spacing is added all around each picture. If no spacing = no problem. For this example we have added 15 pixel spacing all around each picture.

As you can see in the below, though each picture is 450 in height, the smaller picture appears shorter.

How to fix this, is to ensure, that the picture ratio is repeated in the spacing.

The large picture is ratio 2x1 - meaning we set spacing with same ration, using 30 pixels left and right, and 15 pixels top and bottom. Same ratio between 900x450 as between 30x15.

Good to know: Pixel-width of the Webshop is 1400 pixels

Last updated


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