Landingpage restriction by membertype
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In versions newer than 5.2.19 a function to restrict access by Member types, can be activated. The function is not standard, and setup in Umbraco is needed. Follow the below steps to create and use this feature.
In Umbraco, go to Settings - Document Types - Landingpage and Properties. Press "Add property"
Use the name "Restricted Access" for the new property. And click "Select editor". Type in searchword "drop" to easily find correct configuration type, and choose "Dropdown multiple".
Click on "Dropdown multiple" to choose selection, and add the Member types in use in Webshop Management. Also add "Visitor" though it doesn't exist as a Member type it represents visitors to your webshop without login.
Click "Submit" again as shown below, and then "Save" on the settingspage:
The option to Restrict access by Members will now be available under properties on landingpages. The Member types chosen will be those who gain access to the particular landingpage. So in this case, Only Users, Salespersons and Supervisors will see this landingpage. Visitors without login will not.
If unsure of the member types to include, consult your Members page in Webshop Management. A Visitor is anyone viewing you webshop without login, and not a membertype, but should be added to the Membertype selection anyway.