
Choose the placement of your button and click "Add content". Choose the button-icon, and click "Please setup button"

Completing the button


Text on button


Choose between Default or full width of the column the button is placed in


Choose between small, default or large


Choose to have your button the the left, centered or to the right in column

Text color

Choose from palette when clicking, or insert hex code

Background color

Choose from palette when clicking, or insert hex code

Border radius

Round corners of button with chosen radius of pixels

Custom url

Insert specific URL

Product ID

Enter the product ID (find it in Product Information Management (PIM) system or in your webshop

Category ID

Link to a specific category on your shop. To identify the ID, go to your Product Information Management (PIM) system, click "Categories), navigate to the category you wish to link to, find the Id under the category name


To link to content, click "Add" and navigate and choose the page you want linked to

Open in new window

If enabled the navigation will open in a second browser tab

Last updated


Copyright Chainbox 2008-2023