Top navigation items

The top navigation items consists default of content links, TrustTextWithIcon (phone number) and the site selector, if more than one language node exists.

These can be removed, new can be added, and the placing be changed to left, right or center.

Click Edit to remove individual items. Press "Add" and navigate and choose the page you wish added, click "Submit" then "Close"

Click "Save" and your change will be visual on your home page

Editing TrustTextWithIcon

To find available icons please check out

Change icon or change what field under "Company Information" to show.

Editing SiteSelector

Option only to be visible or not. If visible it will show the published language nodes.

Adding other Top navigation items

Additional items can be added, but only limited to the macros listed below:

  • TrustTextWithIcon

  • Trustrating

  • A collection of content pages

  • A siteselector (language)

Last updated


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