Lookup lists

Lookup lists are relevant when products are variants under a parent. It allows you to create groups to contain all the individual lookuplist items/variants 1 and 2.

Create lookup list

Click into a Lookup list to see details, or click "Create lookup list" to create new.

Enter a descriptive label and code.

Option to change sortorder

Option to change icon and color.

Click "Save" when done.

The code of the lookup list is what will appear in the Webshop when used on a Parent. Once a product with a variant group is displayed on the webshop, option also appears to translate the lookup list code to something more appealing

Translating Lookup list codes for webshop

Once a product with a variant group is displayed on the webshop, option also appears to translate the lookup list code to something more appealing.

Log in to the webshop as Supervisor, click the settings icon and choose "Labels".

Choose group "variant" and translate as you wish in the text field.

Click "Save changes" and close the label editor.

Last updated


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