Row settings

When setting up a new page with rows you can choose from the following rows consisting of:

  • 1 column

  • 2 columns

  • 2 columns (left column 2/3 in size - right column 1/3 in size

  • 2 columns (left column 1/3 in size - right column 2/3 in size

  • 3 columns

  • 4 columns

Each row can be defined individually with the following settings


Setting a CSS class will enable you to define a group of HTML elements in order to apply unique styling and formatting. This does require some knowledge of CSS, that this guide does not cover.


Restrict row visibility allows you to controle if this row is visible with or without logging into your webshop


Choose if animation should be enabled for this row

Repeat animation

If disabled, the animation will only occur once

Animation delay (ms)

Enter value in milliseconds


Specify if this row only should be visible on small devices, large or both

Add spacing

Define spacing around the row, choose between defined in pixels, percentage etc.

Set a minimum height

Define the minimum height of your row in pixels, percentage etc.

Full width

The webshop is default disabled from full width, so unless you are looking for a different expression for this row, keep it disabled

Disable stacking

When enabled keeps column setup on smaller devices

Set a background image

Upload image for the entire row

Set a background color

Define background color by choosing from the palette, or entering hex-code

Set a text color

Define text color by choosing from the palette, or entering hex-code

Last updated


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