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Last updated
Product categories for your webshop are created and maintained in PIM
It is an option to have multiple category hierarchies corresponding with multiple webshops. If that is the case, switch between the hierarchies by using the dropdown menu in the top. Only one category hierarchy can be shown at a time.
When marking a category in the tree structure, any subcategories will show in the detail window as well as the 20 first products in the category, with option to load more.
The category ID is the unique identifier of the category. This means, that of two or more categories are called the same, the
The first time a category is visible in the webshop, the URL is created based on the category name or the localized name in PIM if such exists. Because the category name is not a unique identifier, there is a build-in function to secure, that two identically named categories, will not receive identical URL's.
If a second category is created with a name that already exists, the category hierarchy and the category ID will be added to the URL as shown below.
Special characters do not work well in URL's and will automatically be translated this is relevant to both category and product URL's:
"æ" = "ae"
"ø" = "oe"
"å" = "aa"
">" = "-greater-than-"
"<" = "-less-than-"
"=" = "-equals-"
" " = "-" (Space becomes "-")
"é" = "e"
"è" = "e"
"½" = "-a-half"
"+" = "-plus-"
Other special characters such as "&", "/" "¤" will - with few exceptions - be changed to "-".
Category "døre & vinduer" is changed to: "doere---vinduer" in the URL created.
There is always the option to delete and re-create categories if URL's unintentionally got weird.
Alternatively Chainbox can assist in rename URL's if needed