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Last updated
This feature is relevant for a brandpage with a very long brandlist. It gives the option to present a fewer number of brands in a featured position. Same as the brandlist, the featured brands provides navigation to a specific brand-page when clicked.
Click "Add content" and click "Macro"
Click "FeaturedBrands", and choose your settings and click "Submit"
To mark specific Brands as featured, navigate to Umbraco, to your Brand collection, choose the specific brand to feature, go to Properties page and write "Featured" in Tags and click Save and Publish. Repeat the process with other Brands if multiple should be shown as Featured on Brand page.
If enabled the Brands will be shown as slider
If enabled the Meta image on the individual Brandpage will appear in the slider, if disabled, the pagename will appear as text.
If enabled it will list the Brands by most sold first. If disabled it will list brands by their sorting in Umbraco.
Will limit the list to a certain quantity - insert number.