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Last updated
Resources constitutes of images and files related to the product as well as access to the whole resource pool.
Access resources by clicking product images or the Resources tab
Vitals and hints:
Same file or image can be related to multiple products.
When removing an image/file from a product it is not erased from the resource pool.
Keep backup of your images/files elsewhere. Firstly because it is your responsibility, and secondly because PIM will resize your images to match the webshop purposes, and therefore the image might not be identical with the uploaded image if downloaded again.
If you work with variants, the above description is how you add images to parent products. Variants and their images are handled under the "Variant info" tab on product details.
If you work with two-sided variants (variants with both variant-group-1 and variant-group-2, dimension-resources can be related to variant-dimension-1 on the parents product details, tab/composition "Variant info".
Have a naming strategy in place that ensures it is obvious what product/products the image is for, and if it is a main or secondary image.
The main picture marked with prize ribbon icon is also the image presented on the product list.
Image/file types compatible with PIM: There are no restriction as to what file types are compatible with PIM. You may meet however, size-restrictions in the webshop. Note that a converter to webp format exists in the upload screen. This format is recommended for images.