Serverside tracking

Server-side tracking on a website refers to the method of collecting and analyzing user data directly on the server, as opposed to using client-side tracking techniques that rely on JavaScript running in the user's browser. With server-side tracking, data is processed and logged on the web server before being stored or sent to analytics tools or other tracking platforms.

If you wish to enable server-side tracking, please reach out to Chainbox for activation. It is crucial to ensure that the tracking settings are configured in accordance with the relevant GDPR rules and regulations to safeguard user privacy and data protection.

Technical requirement: The provider (receiver of tracking events) must support deduplication of events to be implemented in a reliable way. Thus it should allow the same event to be send multiple times and handle that correctly (not track the event as it if happened twice)

GDPR data stored by the webshop

There are data that are stored for a certain amount of time by the webshop even if serverside tracking is not activated:

  • Information entered by the customer upon checkout:

    • Name and address of the customer is stored on the order, unless the customer has an account in which case the data is fetched from the customer database of the ERP- og WSM-system and pre-filled in the checkout.

    • Delivery- and payment-type, preferred delivery date and the content of the cart when placing the order.

    • If the customer chooses a QuickPay payment type (Creditcard/Mobilpay etc.) the total amount is sent to Quickpay. Quickpay then collects the necessary data to finalizes the payment, and returns a transaction number to the webshop upon approval of the order.

The orderdata is automatically erased from the webshop-database, 30 days after import into the ERP-system.

Last updated