Best practise
How to successfully harvest data using this endpoint:
Fetch total items by sending a request with limit set to 0.
Page though the results with limit and offset.
Get customer orders
URL : /:organizationid/:wsmid/api/v1/order/customer/:customer
URL Parameters: organizationid=[string]
is the ID of the chainbox.io organization.
is the APP ID of the WSM application.
is the ID of the customer.
Querystring parameters:
returns items with a lastupdated
value less than or equal to this date.
(optional) from=[date]
returns items with a lastupdated
value greater than this date. No default value - not supplying a value will omit this condition.
(optional) limit=[int]
number of items returned. Default = 1000.
(optional) offset=[int]
number of items to skip. Default = 0.
(optional) keyword=[string]
search for part of an ID or lines if applyKeywordToLines is set to true.
(optional) applyKeywordToLines=[boolean]
extend search with part of productname on lines.
(optional) orderby=[string]
order results by field. One of: orderdate
(default), deliverydate
Method: GET
Auth required: YES
Permissions required: Basic Auth credentials to the api can be delivered by contacting our support.
Success Response
Condition: If Organization & WSM app exists and the given credentials are correct.
Code: 200 OK
Content example
Error Responses
Condition: If basic auth header is not present in request or is incorrect. Code: 401 UNAUTHORIZED
Get order
URL : /:organizationid/:wsmid/api/v1/order/:orderid
URL Parameters: organizationid=[string]
is the ID of the chainbox.io organization.
is the APP ID of the WSM application.
is the ID of the order.
is the ID of the document.
Method: GET
Auth required: YES
Permissions required: Basic Auth credentials to the api can be delivered by contacting our support.
Success Response
Condition: If Organization & WSM app exists and the given credentials are correct.
Code: 200 OK
Content example
Error Responses
Condition: If basic auth header is not present in request or is incorrect. Code: 401 UNAUTHORIZED
Condition: Order ID missing. Code: 404 NOT FOUND
Last updated