Best practise
How to successfully harvest data using this endpoint:
Fetch locally stored lastReplicationTimestamp if applicaple
Call max endpoint and store MaxTimestamp.
Call updates endpoint with parameters:
from = lastReplicationTimestamp
,to = MaxTimestamp
(andlastoffsetid = nextoffsetid
from previous batch)Call softdeletes endpoint with the same parameters as above. Before deleting locally, ensure that the deleted entity has the highest timestamp
Call harddeletes endpoint with the same parameters as above. Before deleting locally, ensure that the deleted entity has the highest timestamp
Save the stored value from step 2 (MaxTimestamp) as the new lastReplicationTimestamp
This returns the max timestamp for a specific entity in order to know if there are relevant changes.
?> It is possible the reported max timestamp is irrelevant for the client/consumer (i.e. when using a filter with the related endpoints), in which case it would simply trigger an update routine with no changes.
URL : /:organizationid/:wsmid/api/v1/member/max
URL Parameters: organizationid=[string]
is the ID of the organization.
is the APP ID of the WSM application.
Method: GET
Auth required: YES
Permissions required: Basic Auth credentials to the api can be delivered by contacting our support.
Success Response
Condition: If Organization & WSM app exists and the given credentials are correct.
Code: 200 OK
Content example
Error Responses
Condition: If basic auth header is not present in request or is incorrect.
URL : /:organizationid/:wsmid/api/v1/member/:service/updates
URL Parameters: organizationid=[string]
is the ID of the organization.
is the APP ID of the WSM application.
is the name of the Service Endpoint
registered in the WSM application settings. Supplying "default" as the service
requires no endpoint configuration and will not apply a filter to the result.
Querystring parameters:
returns items with a lastupdated
value less than or equal to this date.
(optional) from=[date]
returns items with a lastupdated
value greater than this date. No default value - not supplying a value will omit this condition.
(optional) lastoffsetid=[string]
returns items with a documentid
greater than this value. This can be used to page through results as the items are sorted by documentid
internally. No default value - not supplying a value will omit this condition.
(optional) limit=[int]
number of items returned. Default = 1000.
Method: GET
Auth required: YES
Permissions required: Basic Auth credentials to the api can be delivered by contacting our support.
Success Response
Condition: If Organization & WSM app exists and the given credentials are correct.
Code: 200 OK
Content example
Error Responses
Condition: If basic auth header is not present in request or is incorrect. Code: 401 UNAUTHORIZED
Condition: Referencing an invalid service parameter. Code: 404 NOT FOUND
Soft deletes
Soft deletes are documents from the same collection not matching the service filter
. If there is no active filter (e.g. using the "default" service) - an empty result will be returned.
URL : /:organizationid/:wsmid/api/v1/member/:service/softdeletes
URL Parameters: organizationid=[string]
is the ID of the organization.
is the APP ID of the WSM application.
is the name of the Service Endpoint
registered in the WSM application settings. Supplying "default" as the service
requires no endpoint configuration and will not apply a filter to the result.
Querystring parameters:
returns items with a lastupdated
value less than or equal to this date.
(optional) from=[date]
returns items with a lastupdated
value greater than this date. No default value - not supplying a value will omit this condition.
(optional) lastoffsetid=[string]
returns items with a documentid
greater than this value. This can be used to page through results as the items are sorted by documentid
internally. No default value - not supplying a value will omit this condition.
(optional) limit=[int]
number of items returned. Default = 1000.
Method: GET
Auth required: YES
Permissions required: Basic Auth credentials to the api can be delivered by contacting our support.
Success Response
Condition: If Organization & WSM app exists and the given credentials are correct.
Code: 200 OK
Content example
Error Responses
Condition: If basic auth header is not present in request or is incorrect. Code: 401 UNAUTHORIZED
Condition: Referencing an invalid service parameter. Code: 404 NOT FOUND
Hard deletes
Hard deletes are documents no longer in the collection.
?> It is possible the returned items are irrelevant for the client/consumer (i.e. when using a filter with the related endpoints). Match with existing IDs when appropriate.
URL : /:organizationid/:wsmid/api/v1/member/harddeletes
URL Parameters: organizationid=[string]
is the ID of the organization.
is the APP ID of the WSM application.
Querystring parameters:
returns items with a lastupdated
value less than or equal to this date.
(optional) from=[date]
returns items with a lastupdated
value greater than this date. No default value - not supplying a value will omit this condition.
(optional) lastoffsetid=[string]
returns items with a documentid
greater than this value. This can be used to page through results as the items are sorted by documentid
internally. No default value - not supplying a value will omit this condition.
?> Note that documentid
and item id do not match. Only supply values provided by the endpoint though nextoffsetid
(optional) limit=[int]
number of items returned. Default = 1000.
Method: GET
Auth required: YES
Permissions required: Basic Auth credentials to the api can be delivered by contacting our support.
Success Response
Condition: If Organization & WSM app exists and the given credentials are correct.
Code: 200 OK
Content example
Error Responses
Condition: If basic auth header is not present in request or is incorrect.
Patch Single Address
URL : /:organizationid/:wsmid/api/v0.1/member/:memberid/address
URL Parameters:
is the ID of the organization.
is the APP ID of the WSM application.
is the ID of the Member which address is to be updated.
Method: PATCH
Auth required: YES
Authorization required: write
Request headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Request body:
Only the properties in the request are modified. If properties are included but has no value, it's value will be deleted, so make sure to only include properties that are to be modified.
If no address exists, it is created with empty fields (except the ones included in payload).
Request example
Error Responses
Condition: If basic auth header is not present in request or is incorrect. Code: 401 UNAUTHORIZED
Condition: Referencing an invalid member. Code: 404 NOT FOUND
Condition: The member was probably modified by another application underway. Try again Code: 409 CONFLICT
Patch Single Member
URL : /:organizationid/:wsmid/api/v0.1/member/:memberid
URL Parameters:
is the ID of the organization.
is the APP ID of the WSM application.
is the ID of the Member which address is to be updated.
Method: PATCH
Auth required: YES
Authorization required: write
Request headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Request body:
Only the properties in the request are modified. If properties are included but has no value, it's value will be deleted, so make sure to only include properties that are to be modified.
Request example
Error Responses
Condition: If basic auth header is not present in request or is incorrect. Code: 401 UNAUTHORIZED
Condition: Referencing an invalid member. Code: 404 NOT FOUND
Condition: The member was probably modified by another application underway. Try again Code: 409 CONFLICT
Create new member
URL : /:organizationid/:wsmid/api/v0.1/member
URL Parameters:
is the ID of the organization.
is the APP ID of the WSM application.
Method: POST
Auth required: YES
Authorization required: write
Request headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Request example
Error Responses
Condition: If basic auth header is not present in request or is incorrect. Code: 401 UNAUTHORIZED
Condition: The member email has a conflict with another member Code: 409 CONFLICT
Last updated