
Solutions are deployed using WebDeploy-method.

You need:

  • User account on for the organization to which you wish do deploy changes to and be either in the Administrator or Developer group.

To deploy/pull login to your organization on and let it guide you to where you enter your credentials.

  1. If you are developer for multiple customers, make sure your are on the right one by selecting it in the upper right corner where available organizations is shown.

  2. Choose Websites on the dashboard

  3. If you have multiple websites select the correct one i the left pane

  4. Click the Deploy button. The result of the operation will be visible in the green area.


With the WebDeploy method a deploy will start a build-job on one of our buildrunner-servers. It will compile the solution and package it using the Package-target in MSBuild. After successfull build, the package will be deployed to the server and replace existing content on the server.

Once you click deploy a deployment-job will be started/put on queue. When the job is finished you will receive an email with the result of the deployment.

Rules of thumb:

  • Only files included in the project is deployed to server

  • Don't commit DLL's or any other files generated during compile in GIT. Files in App_Data, resources, and media should typically not be included. They should be uploaded via FTP.

  • Don't include Umbraco connectionstring, license files etc.

  • Once you click deploy and get a success response, they deployment-process is triggered but not finished. Only when you get an email the deployment is finished.

To debug problems with deployment or try to see the output you can right-click on the project in Visual Studio and click Publish. Read more here


Q: My files are not deployed even though they are included in GIT:

This is typically because the files have not been included in the Project-file (csproj).

Q: My module does not work. It works locally:

The prefered way to install Umbraco moduels is via NuGet. Not all modules are available that way. See our FAQ for further instructions in that case.

Last updated


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